DR. SHEN'S - Zong Gan Ling - 90 Tablets

Product Description
$33.99 CAD
ZONG GAN LING -- Also known as: Efficacious Cold Remedy.

TRADITIONAL USES: Used for symptomatic relief of severe or advanced head cold or flu. With symptoms such as headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, body aches, fever and chills.
Clears Heat, Drains Dampness, Eliminates Cold, Releases Muscles, Relieves Pain.

SOURCE: Exact source anonymous. Early twentieth century origin. Previously manufactured by the Meizhou Pharmaceutical Manufactory, Guandong, China.

Unlike Zhong Gan Ling imported from China, Dr. Shen's Zong Gan Ling contains no drugs, dyes, pharmaceuticals, animal products, or unlisted ingredients. Each tablet contains a generous amount (750 mgs.) of premium grade wildcrafted herbs. Each tablet is also coated with natural food glaze and shaped for easy swallowing.

Dr. Shen's Zong Gan Ling is a modern (twentieth century) formula which uses a battery of heat clearing herbs, most of which have been shown to inhibit the growth of a wide range of microrganisms.

The course of treatment is a minimum of one dose and a maximum of two weeks per episode. Rest during the hours of administration, if possible, is a plus.

Strong Heat Clearing herbs such as these are not recommended as a daily supplement for continuous use.

Package Description: 90 Tablets

Serving Size: 3 Tablets

Number of Servings: 30


Kudzu Root also known as Ge Gen or Radix Puerariae
Clears Heat, Releases the Muscles, Nourishes Fluids;

Major Known ingredients: puerarin, puerarin-xyloside, daidzein, daidzin B-sitosterol, arachidic acid;

Hairy Holly Root also known as Mao Tung Ching or Radix Illicis Pubescentis Clears toxic Heat, Invigorates Blood;

Major known ingredients: flavonoid glycosides, triterpenoids, tannin, ursolic acid, oleanolic acid;

Vervain also known as Herb of the Cross or Ma Pien Tsao or Herba Verbenae Clears Heat, Disperses Blood;

Major known ingredients: hastatoside, verbanalin, verbenin;

Woad Root, known as Indigo, Ban Lan Gen or Radix Isatidis Quells Heat, Detoxifies Fire Poison, Benefits the Throat;

Major known ingredients: indoxyl-B-glucoside, B-sitosterol, isatin, arginine, glutamine, proline, tyrosine;

Wormwood Plant known as Qing Hao or Herba Artemisae Clears Heat, Cools Blood, Clears Deficiency Fever, Clears Summer Heat;

Major known ingredients: abrotamine, B-bourbonene, farnesyl acetate, caryophyllene, B-humulene, , artemesia ketone, vitamin A;

Gypsum known as Shi Gao or Gypsum Fibrosum
Quells Fire, Clears Heat, Clears Stomach Fire rising to the Head;

Major known ingredients: calcium sulfate, calcium oxide;

Notopterygi known as Qiang Huo or Radix & Rhizome Notopterygium incisium Releases the Exterior, Disperses Cold and Dampness, Alleviates Pain, Directs Herbs Upward;

Major known ingredients: angelical, osthol, glabra lactone, bergaptin.

Adults: Take three to six pills at a time, every four hours. If symptoms persist, see a licensed health care provider.

Children: Use one tablet for each 30 lbs. of body weight. Crush and mix with food.

Though normally considered safe for everyone, pregnant women and nursing mothers should always consult their health care provider before taking any medicine.

If your physician is unfamiliar with these herbs, licensed acupuncturists are health care providers who are often informed about Chinese herbs.

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