DR SHEN'S - Yin Chiao Pills 750 mg - 200 Tablets

Product Description
$68.49 CAD


Considering the number of users in Asia, and the length of time it’s been in use, Yin Chiao is possibly the WORLD’S bestselling cold remedy of all time, yet in the Western world it’s almost a secret

When to Use Yin Chiao 

Yin Chiao should be used at the first sign of cold. It is also used for cold-prevention when exposed, or likely-to-be-exposed, to a cold. It is particularly effective for colds beginning in the throat.

Yin Chiao is used during the first two days of Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat condition. It is also used when exposed, or likely-to-be-exposed, to Wind pathogen.

TCM Functions of Yin Chiao

  • Clears Wind-Heat
  • Disperses Wind-Cold
  • Cleans Toxins

Package Description: 200 Tablets

Serving Size: 3 Tablets

Number of Servings: 66


Honeysuckle (Lonicera flos) Jin Yin Hua
Clears Heat, Cleans Toxins, Expels Externally Contracted Wind Heat

Forsythia (Forsythia Suspensa Fructus) Lian Qiao
Expels Contracted Wind Heat, Clears Heat, Cleans Toxins

Balloon Flower (Platycodi Grandiflori Radix) Jie Geng
Transforms Cold-Phlegm, Circulates Lung Energy, Benefits the Throat, Directs the Action of Other Herbs Upwards

Peppermint (Menthe Herba) Bo He
Disperses Wind Heat, Clears the Head and Eyes and Benefits the Throat

Edible Burdock (Arctium Lappa) Niu Bang Zi
Detoxifies Fire Poison, Disperses Wind Heat and Benefits the Throat

Crested Grass (Lophatheri Gracilis) Dan Zhu Ye
Releases the Exterior, Disperses Wind Heat, Lessens Irritability, Relieves Thirst

Schizonepeta (Schizonepeta Tenuifolia) Jing Jie
Releases Exterior, Expels Wind Cold and Wind Heat

Fermented Soy Bean (Sojae Praeparatum Semen) Dan Dou Qi
Releases the Exterior for both Cold and Hot Exterior Conditions, Alleviates Irritability

Chinese Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza Uranelsis Radix) Gan Cao
Tonifies the Spleen, Benefits the Qi, Detoxifies Fire Poisons, Moderates and Harmonizes Other Herbs

Dosage: 3 tablets, every three or four hours; or as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Yin Chiao is made for acute conditions, and is not designed for long-term immune enhancement. For a daily supplement appropriate for long term immune enhancements, try Jade Shield Pills.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren’t recommended for chronic, recurring, or serious illness.

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