VITAL EARTH - Humic Mineral Caps - 120 Capsules

Product Description
$40.49 CAD
Humic minerals derived from plant matter rich in essential elements and trace minerals.   At 600 mg, these Humic Caps are our most potent Humic product.  All the benefits of our liquid humic minerals, but in a convenient, highly absorbable vegetable capsule form.  Does not contain any excipients, fillers or binders.  Convenient for traveling. Assists the body with better sleep, diminishing food cravings, oxygenating the body, detoxification and enhanced healing. This is the capsule version of our liquid product, Humic Minerals. 

Each serving contains over 70 naturally occurring plant derived minerals rich in essential minerals trace elements, amino acids and vitamins.  Minerals are needed by the body for every function from heart function, bone building, balancing brain chemistry and hormone production. 

Product Information:
Cultures across the world that get an abundance of natural humic in their daily lives are free from the degenerative diseases common to the United States.  Living humic is so complex that as hard as scientists try, they cannot duplicate humic, or fabricate a substitute.  Since our fruits and vegetables are now terribly deficient in humic, the most reliable daily source is to supplement with living minerals, extracted directly from whole food based humic and bottled as a highly absorbable liquid. 

Antibiotic and antiviral qualities

Nutritional scientists have found that humic is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics and antivirals ever.  With continual use, humic inhibits infections, minimizes catching colds and flu, and neutralizes viruses.     

It can be used indefinitely without creating antibiotic resistance.    Daily use will assist the body in manufacturing glycoproteins that balance and regulate the immune system, provide hormone support and give strength to cell membranes.  

Humic extracts can be thought of as defenders of all biological mechanisms.  Humic protects the body’s cells, accelerates healing processes, fights malignant cells, and disrupts oxidative stress. Humic’s structural complexity makes it one of the most powerful chelating (detoxifying) agents known. 

Who would use Humic Minerals:

Anyone who shows signs of a mineral deficiency and is seeking to increase their mineral intake. If disease is present, this is a clear symptom that minerals are deficient and absorption is impaired. 

Benefits of Humic Minerals 

  • Enhance healing
  • Detoxify
  • Boost immune system function
  • Improve metabolism
  • Balance hormones
  • Repair and regenerate cells
  • Improve circulation
  • Energizes cells
  • Oxygenate the body
  • Diminish food cravings
  • Feed nutrient deficiencies
  • Improve mental function, concentration, moods
  • Achieve sound restful sleep
  • Highly absorbable capsule
  • No fillers or binders to block absorption
  • No polysorbate 80, polyethylene glycol or titanium dioxide
Sku: 154713

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