NUMI - Aged Earl Grey Black Tea - 18 bag

Product Description
$11.99 CAD
Numi Organic Aged Earl Grey Black Tea (formerly Numi Aged Earl Grey, Organic Bergamot Assam) contains Assam aged with real bergamot. Numi ages organic Assam black tea with real Italian Bergamot for several weekds so the tea absorbs the orange scent. Enjoy a robust (flavorings-free) Earl Grey with subtle citrus notes.
Black tea results from the full oxidation of the bud and first two leaves of the tea plant. Like green and white teas, a high quality black tea is picked early in the spring and contains a high ratio of bud-to-leaf. Unlike other teas, leaves destined for black tea production are brought down the mountain and spread thickly on the ground or in troughs where they will wither for up to 18 hours. Withering drives moisture out of the leaf and begins the conversion of delicate “juices” within the leaf into more complex liquoring compounds. The oxidation begins at this stage and continues into the rolling process. After being sorted by size, the withered leaves will be twisted, compressed, and turned multiple times, breaking down cell walls and allowing enzymes to mix with polyphenols. 

Package Description: 18 bag

Serving Size: ...

Number of Servings: ...

Fair Trade Certified organic Assam Black Tea, organic Bergamot.

All tea is gluten-free.

Steep 2 teabags of your choice of Numi Tea in a heat resistant glass/cup in 8 oz. hot water for 5 minutes.
Fill separate glass with ice. Pour hot tea over ice and top off with more ice. Enjoy!

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