FOUR PAWS - Quick and Easy Pill Dispenser - 1 Piece

Product Description
$9.99 CAD
This convenient pill dispenser is the quickest and easiest way to administer oral medication to pets. Designed and recommended by veterinarians, the Quick & Easy Pill Dispenser maximizes control and assures proper dosage.

Package Description: 1 Piece

Serving Size: ..

Number of Servings: ..

  1. Remove plunger for barrel and remove plastic collar from plunger.
  2. Insert tablet or capsule into barrel & return plunger to barrel.
  3. Adjust bar on barrel to grip your index and middle finger as shown above.
  4. Using your thumb and middle finger, apply gentle pressure to the jaw hinge on both sides of your pet's head. To open your pets mouth. As mouth opens, insert Pill Dispenser over the tongue to the back of the mouth and push plunger quickly.
  5. Remove plunger from barrel when not in use.

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