HEALTH KING - Sugar Controller Herb Tea - 20 Tea Bags

Product Description
$10.99 CAD
Sugar Controller Herb Tea (Blood Cleansing Herb Tea) is made of morus (mulberry leaf) with nice natural flavor. Containing pectin, adenine, choline, vitamins B1 and A, etc., morus is used in Chinese medicine for maintaining normal blood sugar and blood fat level, urine sugar level and facilitating easy bowel movement.

Package Description: 20 x 2 g Tea Bags

Serving Size: 1 Tea Bag

Number of Servings: 20

Ingredients: Mulberry leaf, fetid cassia seed, solomon seal, atractylodes root, scrophularia root, prunella, tender green tea leaf and jasmine flower.
For hot tea steep in hot water for 3-5 minutes. For ice tea steep in hot water and refrigerate. Use 2-4 bags a day.
Store in a dry, cool place.

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