RAINBOW RESEARCH - French Green Clay Jar - 8 oz

Product Description
$11.49 CAD
Rainbow French Green Clay has enormous absorbent powers. It literally "drinks" oils, toxic substances, and impurities. Its toning action stimulates the skin, revitalizing the complexion while tightening pores and helping to keep the skin supple.
Rainbow French Green Clay is marvelous for helping to clear problem skin. Make your own 100% natural facial mask using kitchen ingredients. Used at the finest spas and resorts, great for teenage problem skin.

Package Description: 8 oz

Serving Size: Mix 1-2 Tbsp.

Number of Servings: ...

Ingredients: 100% Pure French Green Clay
Mix 1-2 Tbsp. French Green Clay with Spring Water until paste is smooth. Apply with fingertips or spatula. Leave on 15-20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.
Not tested on animals. No animal ingredients.

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