HEAROS - Sleep Pretty In Pink Womens Ear Plugs - 14 Pairs

Product Description
$10.49 CAD
Sleep Pretty In Pink ear plugs provide women with the snoring relief they have been looking for centuries. After a long day, peace and quiet is a necessity. Sleep Pretty In Pink earplugs work to provide quiet from snoring spouses so you can get the restorative sleep you deserve.

Package Description: 14 Pairs

Serving Size: ..

Number of Servings: ..

Ingredients: 14 Pair Ear Filters.
  • Ear plugs must be inserted properly for optimum performance.
  • With clean hands, firmly roll entire ear plug between thumb and fingers to form a thin tight cylinder .
  • Using one hand, gently lift top of ear up to open ear canal.
  • With other hand, insert rounded end of ear plug.
  • Discard product after several uses or as soon as dirt or wax accumulates on ear plugs.
  • Keep away from infants.
  • This product is non-toxic but may interfere with breathing if caught in windpipe.

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