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Package Description: 12 x 12 Inch
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General Maintenance Comments: Poly-Filter turns color when removing medications. Aqua to Dark Blue: Copper or Copper Salts. Orange: Iron. Bright Red: Aluminum. Bright Yellow: Ammonia, Amines or Solvents. Dyes: Color of the solution when added i.e. Methylene Blue: Pale Blue. Malachite Green: Light Green. Tannins/Humic acid: Dark Brown. Organic Wastes: Light Tan progressing to Dark Brown. Poly-Filter extends time between water changes. Add de-chlorinated water to make up for evaporation loss. If pH shifts below acceptable level, change water and add a new Poly-Filter. Heavy slime producing water conditioners can surface coat Poly-Filter and interfere with absorption performance. In Marine water, soak in 3% hydrogen peroxide then rinse well in fresh water. In Freshwater, soak in 10% salt water solution then rinse well in fresh water.
NOTE: Poly Filter will not soften water or remove trace minerals.