OHCO - Chi'll Out - 60 Capsules

Product Description
$21.49 CAD
Chi'll Out NINETEEN HERBS TO TAKE THE EDGE OFF** Outlets for self-expression will ease sleep disturbances and anxiety. Chi'll Out will quiet and calm without sedating. Sleep deprivation is widespread in our society. Watch how easily so many folks can drop off to sleep almost instantly on an airplane while a well-rested person can hardly get in a cat nap under those challenging surroundings.

Package Description: 60 Capsules

Serving Size: 2 Capsules

Number of Servings: 30

Ingredients: Atractylodes (root), Chinese senega (honey-fried root), Dong quai (root), Longan fruit (seed coating), Milk-vetch (root), Asian ginseng (root), Poria (fruiting body), Sour Jujube (seed), Ginger (root), Jujube (fruit), Licorice (honey-fried root), Saussurea (root), Chinese thoroughwax (root), Pinellia (root), Scullcap (root). Cinnamon (twig), Oyster shell, Fossilized bone, Rhubarb (root and rhizoma).

Other ingredients: corn starch excipient and gelatin.
Basic Way: Take two capsules three times a day.

Another Way: Throw out the notion that a printed set of directions will provide the exact answer. Consider size, constitution, timing, and other factors affecting each unique person. Frequent use (as often as every twenty minutes) may be required in certain circumstances.

With more experience and some anticipation, you won’t need to consume a large quantity of herbs. The suggested maximum amount per day is 12 capsules. Continue with the Basic Way for a couple of days to ensure sleep and less anxiety.

** When the process is complete, you will feel more creative.

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