BLUE PEARL - Incense Patchouli - 0.35 oz. (10 g)

Product Description
$5.49 CAD
Blue Pearl Patchouli is made from a tiny evergreen shrub. Its fragrance has the unique ability to be grounding with its earthiness, and at the same time be inspiring with its intoxicating aroma. Light a stick of this incense and let the incredible journey begin. Be transported to realms of inspiration, relaxation, and simply natural living.

Package Description: 0.35 oz. (10 g)

Serving Size: ..

Number of Servings: ..

Ingredients: A Proprietary Blend of all natural ingredients and only pure essential oils.

Made from a tiny evergreen shrub.

Light end and then blow out until tip burns red. Set in incense holder and let burn.
Place lighted stick into holder. Be sure ashes fall on a fire-proof surface. Keep away from flammables – don’t leave unattended. Not for human consumption.

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